Monthly Archives: May 2012
Why do teeth hurt?
Teeth seem like solid bone, why is that they ever ache? Typically the pain is around the tooth. For a cavity to start causing pain, it actually has to wear through the enamel and reach the dentin under the enamel, and the dentin actually has nerve fibers able to feel pain.
Dentin is calcified tissue that is found directly beneath the enamel, and is the second largest component of any given tooth. When your tooth itself aches, the aching sensation typically starts with the dentin. Tooth sensitivity is caused when the dentin is exposed to drastic temperature changes, acidic food or beverages, and sugars the sugars food or beverage. This is why really cold drinks cause pain to your teeth once the enamel has worn down.
Often times tooth aches are caused by abscessed teeth, when the root or pulp of the tooth has become infected.
The severity of a tooth ache can range from chronic (intense persistent pain) to mild (a dull and inconsistent pain). Dental causes of tooth pain are:
Dental Cavities. Dental cavities are caused when a whole is formed in the enamel leading to the dental. When left untreated, id leads to an abscessed tooth.
Tooth Decay. Tooth decay occurs when decay works its way to the pulp of the tooth causing it to become infected, again if left untreated it leads to an abscessed tooth.
Cracked teeth. When a tooth splits or fractures, it leaves the opportunity for the tooth to become inflamed and infected.
Periodontal disease. The pain typically comes from when a tooths root becomes exposed, often because of a receding gum line. This makes them more sensitive to hot and cold foods. The periodontal disease itself can cause pulpal inflammation by traveling down small canals that extend from outside the tooth to the inside called lateral canals.
Typical pain symptoms and potential problems.
In all cases, once notable dental pain occurs, you should visit a dentist. An infection runs the risk of reaching your brain and causing serious pain and even death to a person when left untreated and having pain dealt with by a medical professional is always the recommended route.
Momentary sensitivity to hot and cold. This pain is typically caused by exposed dentin or a receding gum line giving more sensitivity to the root of a tooth. This can also be cause by having a loose filling of a fractured tooth. This can also occur because of inflamed pulp, causing temporary sensitivity. This is common if you have had recent dental work.
Lingering pain caused by hot or cold. This is typically irrevocable damaged done by exposed dentin or periodontal disease. This can also occur because of a fractured tooth.
Dull ache near a tooth, biting sensitivity. Biting sensitivity tends to be a sign of inflamed pulp or possibly related to how you are actually biting. An inflamed pulp could be caused by recent dental work or another agent causing abnormal inflammation.
Sharp Pain when biting down. This is almost always a sign of a cracked or split tooth, or a loose filling. It is possible it is something such as root canal pain, but typically it has something to do with a broken tooth, and you should visit the dentist as soon as possible.
Constant and severe pain, sensitivity to even being touched. This is typically caused by the aforementioned abscessed tooth, causing the surrounding bone to become infected.
Utilizing Stem cells to Assist with Dental Implants
One of the most talked about advances in dental implants is the utilization of stem cells to retreat a natural tooth in the space of missing teeth. Key innovations in stem cell technology will advance dentistry in ways like never before, particularly dental implant surgery.
The technology of growing teeth into the jaw bone is advancing rapidly in recent years to offer natural tooth replacement options to restore function and aesthetics. Various research institutions around the globe have been able to successfully grow teeth in animals utilizing stem cells.
While titanium and more recently zirconium dental implants offer a good tooth replacement solution, the idea of having a living dental implant is certainly a more superior solution to missing teeth. Titanium dental implants lack the presence of periodontal ligament that attaches natural teeth roots to the surrounding bone. Therefore patients with titanium dental implants do not feel the sensation of pressure as they do on natural teeth. This is referred to as lack of proprioception. In addition, titanium dental implants do not have nerves. Nerves provide early warning signs of onset of disease through pain sensation.
Recent advances in stem cell technology allows for the growth of missing jaw bone required for dental implant placement. Researchers discovered that the stem cells in natural teeth can be utilized to regrow teeth and bone as well. One of the most recent researches presented was carried out by Dr. Jeremy Mao at Columbia University Medical Center where he utilized a growth factor-infused, three-dimensional scaffold with the potential to regenerate an anatomically correct tooth in just nine weeks from the day of implantation. This highly innovative procedure is the result of extensive research at Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory. Once the stem cells colonize the scaffold, a tooth can grow in the socket and then join the surrounding gingival tissue.
The advances in dental implants are ongoing and targeted to achieve the important goal of providing our patients with the highest quality and the most effective tooth replacement solution that looks and feels like a natural tooth within the shortest time possible. The technological advances in implant dentistry are more rapid and frequent than any other area of dentistry.
These constant improvements offer exciting solutions to replace missing teeth more than ever before. Keep checking our update and news on the most technological advances in implant and restorative dentistry. Let this be your home to find out the latest on dental implants