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Continued from yesterday, part 1 here.

This was an interesting find. I mean, it makes sense, but I had no idea that the army was recruiting dentists. The whole idea of a dental corp seems so weird to me, but I mean, they do need it. Somehow in my head the dental core is somehow a mix of dental work and field work- but I guess dentists are two valuable to be super killing machines. It’s fun to imagine though! GET ON THE CHOPPER!

Now, I love fashion, so things having to do with dental work and fashion attracts me to them immediately! Which is why when I saw some snazzy shoes, I was attracted to them. The shoes were made by Dansko, which had a well of information on shoes. First, here is some information they had up on a flier:

I also took a picture of their shoes while there- I know these aren’t dentist specific but they seem really nice!

Brush Buddies have come out with a Lady Gaga tooth brush, that she apparently even designed herself. It actually plays a two songs, one for the morning and one for the night. You’re on the right track baby you brush this way! They actually also offer a Justin Beiber one as well, seeming to have a large focus on getting kids interested in brushing by having entertaining brushes and utensils. Here is the Lady Gaga product I found on display:

Man, dental products are so freaky when you don’t work in the industry. Look at this stuff:

Its stuff that seems like it is straight out of Hellraiser. So weird to even see.

I ended up also running into the Dentsply booth, who were running some kind of new mascot, DDS Dan.

He seems to be some kind of detective dentist, I’m not completely sure how these two things combo together but it creates for a memorable booth. It was designed by Carol Mudra specifically for the booth. Super impressed Carol Mudra! He even has a video going into detail about the character, but you will have to visit the Carol Mudra link to see it. In any event, I felt a tad silly standing next to him…

… especially when it happened I was all into casual dress.

That comes to the last of the interesting things I found at the ehibits. I got a lot of fliers and a lot of things to work through, I have so many blog articles to give out and I hope to hear from all you dental movers and shakers soon!
