Funny Dental Sketches
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Funny Dental Sketches

I was minding my own business on YouTube, and I happened to stumble onto a dentist sketch that wasn’t very funny. It got me thinking- what are the good dental sketches out there? I started searching YouTube for them…

This one has to do with an abnormally incompetent dentist who is working right out of his book with the patient. He numbs his hands, and hilarity ensues.

This one has to do with a dentist who talks about toilets while talking to a patient and gets pretty inappropriate. He is called “rude dentist” and he actually has a large handful of sketches where he is rude talking to the patient.

This sketch has to do with a dentist who doesn’t seem to understand his patient unless he has his hands in his patient’s mouth.

This patient got some embarrassing results.

In this one they mock Bane from the Batman movies, until the punchline kicks in.

A young man doesn’t floss enough.

A woman attacks a dentist thinking he is talking about her breasts.

Crazy woman goes to the dentist.

Bill Cosby goes to the dentist.

I was actually pretty unimpressed with all the dental sketches I could find. Though I remember Bob’s Burger’s dentist and I found that to be pretty entertaining. The character’s name is Dr. Yap, here is the preview to the episode:
