If you have gone to the dentist, you may have seen one of these puppets before in a dental office. They are pretty popular in dental offices that are popular with children. They tend to be used as educational tools to help children understand things about their teeth. They also have an added benefit of being incredibly weird looking, especially since the dental education puppet also has a way of looking like a cute plush toy. I recently saw a small collection of these out at a Lake Oswego Dentist’s Office, and they are very weird to see and interact with. though it is a little fun to snap at people.
There are many different kinds, including dragon, horse, shark, tiger, monkey, and dog. There is even a unicorn. They are good for dental health education
The real goal is so you can brush them and show kids proper brushing techniques. They are a handy teaching aid that helps kids understand the basic, but still important parts of brushing our teeth. There are actually many useful toys and books for teaching kids how to brush their teeth, even some for adults, like dental models. Its nice to know there are plenty of products out there to help you stay informed on proper dental hygiene, many of which can be found relatively easily.