How Long Does The Process of Dental Veneers Take?
It takes 2-4 weeks for the process of dental veneers to be completed. At your initial appointment (after the initial consult), the teeth are prepared and temporized. During the next appointment, the veneers will be placed and bonded after your approval of the try-in. During the try-in, you will give your approval of aesthetics, shape and shade of the teeth.
What Is The Process of Dental Veneers?
Generally the process of dental veneers consists of three appointments:
1 - First Appointment: Initial Consult: The various cosmetic dentistry options are discussed and applicable and study model impressions of the teeth are taken. Also during the consult, the shade and shape of teeth will be discussed and explored. Smile simulation can also be completed during this appointment to see how you would look with dental veneers.
2 - Second Appointment: Preparation of the teeth followed by temporization
3 - Third Appointment: Try-in of the final dental veneers. Once approved by you, the veneers will be bonded on the teeth.
Are Dental Veneers My Only Option For a Smile Makeover?
No, There are many other conservative options such as teeth whitening or orthodontic treatment. At your cosmetic dentistry consultation appointment, these various options can be discussed with you.
How Do I Select The Shade of the New Veneers or Crowns?
We feel that seeing several before and after images of the cosmetic dental cases completed at Dental Dynamics is a good initial step along with your particular preferences. View before and after pictures of cosmetic dentistry cases here.
What is the Cost of Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers vary in cost depending on the material chosen and number of veneers.
Does My Dental Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dental Procedures?
No. The vast majority of dental insurance companies do not cover dental veneers. In a few cases, replacement of old defective veneers may be an exception.
Is There a Replacement Warranty For Dental Veneers?
We provide a five year replacement warranty on dental implants and all fixed restorations, including dental veneers, dental crowns, and dental bridges, onlays and inlays. The only requirement is to maintain your regular cleanings and exams.