Types of Porcelain Crowns
There are several types of porcelain crowns within this category:
Zirconia Crowns or Lava Crowns:
Zirconia Crowns or Lava Crowns are made out of a zirconium core with porcelain pressed or layered over the crown to natural contours. These crowns offer good strength and durability. However inexperienced labs face difficulty bonding the porcelain to the zirconia core causing frequent chipping of porcelain.
Dental Zirconia Crowns Before
Dental Zirconia Crowns After
Procera Crowns
Procera Crowns are made of Alumina core with porcelain pressed or layered over the crown to natural contours. These crowns offer great strength and durability.
Procera Dental Crowns Before
Dental Zirconia Crowns After
eMAX Crowns or IPS e.MAX Crowns
IPS e.MAX Crowns are entirely made out of porcelain and without a coping. The absence of a coping offers a great advantage over Zirconia crowns, Lava crowns and Procera crowns in that e.MAX crowns allow for more light transmission through the crown translating to a more superior aesthetic.
e.MAX Dental Crowns Before
e.MAX Dental Crowns After
Other types of Porcelain crowns:
We have chosen to discuss the best and most commonly used types of crowns within this category. Other types of porcelain crowns used in cosmetic dentistry, such as Empress, are also used but to a lesser extent due to the availability of better alternative such as e.MAX crowns. It is our belief that e MAX crowns offer the best combination of strength and aesthetics.
eMAX crowns are offered at Dental Dynamics in Portland, Oregon (Pearl District). We also offer a five year replacement warranty on crowns and all fixed restorations, including dental veneers, dental implants, and dental bridges. The only requirement is to maintain your regular cleanings and exams.